Basemaker is mentioned under the specific Doll.
Muses are kinda like original characters
but instead of having a story they just inspire the doller to doll this more than once.
On My Base (Ora)
Aoi Himawari - The Blue Sunflower
Creepy Greenlight
On My Base (Ora)
On My Base (Ora)
On My Base (Ora)
On My Base (Ora)
On My Base (Ora)
On My Base (Ora)
On My Base (Jessy)
Base by Utenasama
Base by Blood-Cacao
Base by Jishin
Base by Maky-Lab )
Base by
Base by pinkland
Base by Elychan
Base by pinkland
Base by pixmaz
Base by Porcelian-Doll
Base by leviathen
Base by maria
Base by gigimorimer
Base by apitchou
Base by bia
Base by mouldycat
Base by sheeyo
Base by electronicandy
Base by stargirl
Base by silindor
Base by hollay​
Base by hollay
Base by sushi
Base by ninique
Base by citronrouge
Base by Ashuri
Base by wish04
Links on images that you can save for your own use, like bases, props or linearts,​
have still an old link on it ( that no longer exist,
better you link to this page or my deviantArt-account:
I need help to get stuff linked. Please write me a mail with the informations.